Your Privacy and Security
At Aetna, we take your privacy seriously. We want you to feel safe and comfortable when using your Secure Health Website. Keep reading to find out how we use your information and how we protect your privacy.
Basic Questions
When you register, we ask some basic questions, such as your first and last name, email address and date of birth. We also ask for your Aetna member ID or Social Security number. Why? We need either your Aetna member ID or Social Security number to identify you and determine if you are authorized to use this program.
Secure Your Account
It's important that you safeguard both your User Name and Password to prevent unauthorized users from accessing your personal information. If you have reason to believe that your credentials have been compromised, you should immediately contact Aetna Member Services at the phone number noted on your member ID card.
Health Information
For some Aetna products, we ask questions about your health status and lifestyle. For example, we may ask about your exercise and nutrition habits, tobacco use (if any), dental health and personal safety practices. Gathering this information helps us to tailor our programs and content to best meet your unique needs.
How Your Privacy is Protected
The law protects the information you provide. Laws dealing with privacy and health information give you rights over your health information and set limits on who can see it and with whom we can share it. These laws must balance the need to protect your privacy with the need to share information to ensure quality health care.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
One important law that guides how we use and share your health information is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Under HIPAA, we have to inform you about what we do with your information and, according to the circumstances, may have to seek your permission before using or sharing it. For more information, check our Privacy Policy.
How Aetna Uses Your Information
We may use the information you provide in a variety of legally permissible ways. For example, nurses who work for Aetna may use it to help coordinate and improve your care. We may also combine your information with data collected from other people to produce an anonymous, combined (aggregated) total. We study aggregated information to gain a better understanding of how people use our products, as well as insight into issues related to health and wellness.
Keep in mind that you cannot be identified based on this aggregated information. You are hidden in the crowd.
For More Information
Please read our complete privacy policy. You can find a link to the privacy policy at the bottom of every page of your Secure Health Website.