We're sorry, but we cannot admit you to Aetna NavigatorTM, Aetna's secure member website, because the browser you currently use to access the Internet is not set to meet our security standards. Aetna Navigator contains private information about your health and your health finances, so we must enforce our security standards to protect your information and comply with government privacy regulations.
For your protection, the Aetna Navigator site only supports the strong 128-bit encryption. Encryption scrambles data into unintelligible characters based on a secret key. Even with this secure encryption, there is still some risk involved in any Internet communication, and Aetna cannot guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of information transmitted over the Internet.
If you would prefer to contact us by phone, you may call Member Services at the number on your ID card. If you do not have an ID card yet, please contact your employer/group benefits office to obtain the toll-free number.
What You Can Do…
Aetna Navigator is best viewed using a recent version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape as your browser. Even a newer browser with 128-bit encryption must be set properly to meet maximum security standards.
- If you use a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, you can upgrade it free of charge from the Microsoft website link below. However, Aetna is not responsible for and does not endorse the content and browser update process provided by this website. And if you are accessing Aetna Navigator from your workplace, be sure you comply with your employer's security regulations concerning downloads from the Internet.
- If you use a Netscape browser, follow these instructions to make sure the settings on your browser are properly set to enable maximum security:
- Go to your Netscape home page.
- Pull down the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences…"
- In the window that opens, double click on "Privacy & Security," and then single click on "SSL."
- Make sure all the selections checked in the image below are also checked in your settings.

- Next, click on the "Edit Ciphers…" button (see arrow above).
- In the window that appears, check all of the boxes except the very last one. When finished, click OK.